
Saturday, October 08, 2005

Blogs go Mainstream

Blogs' Mainstream Moment: "The Weblog world looks different today than it did at week's beginning. More mainstream. More big media. More big money.

Through deals with the two most prominent blog networks, America Online and VNU have made it clear they want a piece of the audience -- and ad revenue -- that's beginning to pour into the blog space....

The blog news making the biggest stir is AOL's agreement to acquire Jason Calacanis' Weblogs Inc. Network (WIN) for a rumored $20 to $30 million. The deal will bring the portal a diverse passel of sites and authors, including the Peter Rojas-edited tech blog Engadget...

What exactly AOL has planned for the WIN blog content and its accompanying ad inventory remains to be seen. Same goes for VNU's experiment in licensing the brands and content of popular blogs. About all that is clear is that big online publishers are becoming interested enough in niche media to spend money that a year ago would have seemed insane.

"If there's any wake-up call here, it's that blog media is worth a lot to somebody," said Mernit."

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