
Thursday, October 06, 2005

Blodget's back and he's blogging

A blog to suscribe to.....Internet Daily: Henry Blodget's back and he's blogging: "one of the Internet's most notorious figures has launched a Web log. Merrill Lynch's Internet analyst at the top of the bubble -- later disciplined over conflicts of interest -- is the man behind www.internetoutsider.com.

"Wading back into the Web waters after a few years away," Henry Blodget wrote. "Thanks in advance for including me."

In his first posting, he suggests that Microsoft may well have to pursue a merger if it wants MSN to survive. There's also a link to a 12-page research report titled, "The Web War is Over - And Microsoft Lost."

In an "About Me" section of the blog, Blodget said Internet Outsider "provides informal analysis of Internet companies, stocks, finance, trends and third-party research" and is published by Cherry Hill Associates LLC, which he describes as a "fledgling industry analysis company.""

Internet Outsider: "Internet Outsider Analyzing the Internet Business: companies, stocks, trends, research, and more..."

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