"The Science of Opportunity"
"The Science of Opportunity" "There's a lot to be said for careful planning and cautious review when starting a small business. But there's another side to the story, say some entrepreneurs, and that's following up a good opportunity and seizing it.Howard Melamed calls it "the science of opportunity." In 2002, he and his wife Barbara took a long-time electronics hobby and turned it into a business -- CellAntenna. Today, their company boasts offices in Florida and London, and expects to do $6 million in revenue this year. Smart Answers columnist Karen E. Klein recently spoke with Howard about the importance of carpe diem in business. Edited excerpts of their conversation follow:
You attribute a lot of your business acumen to this philosophy about never failing to pursue an opportunity. What do you mean?
I believe that when opportunity comes your way, you have to explore it. I don't discount anything, especially things that look improbable. There are chance happenings and unlikely events in your life all the time. Your responsibility is to make the most of them. "
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