
Monday, October 24, 2005

Google Moves Against Spam Blogs

MediaPost Publications - Google Moves Against Spam Blogs - 10/24/2005: "RESPONDING TO GROWING COMPLAINTS ABOUT spam blogs, or 'splogs,' Google implemented new security measures to make it more difficult for users of its blogging service to create and maintain fake blogs...

The "CAPTCHA" test is a method by which automated programs that post or create blogs can be foiled--where the user is asked to type in a sequence of letters from a line that people can read, but computers can't decipher.

Spam blogs generally fall into one of two categories: Link farms, which pack hundreds or even thousands of blogs with gibberish or recycled content, and contain multiple links to a particular Web site, which allow them to game Google's PageRank algorithm, creating artificially high organic search rankings; and spam blogs that simply recycle content with AdSense or other advertising on them in the hopes of making money from errant users clicking on the ads."

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