Splogs , Scraping & AdSense average commission earned by sites running AdSense about $20/month
SiteProNews: "Splogs Scraping AdSense = Fraud...webmasters have built businesses out of taking content off of other people's websites and using that content to build pages designed specifically to attract ad-clicks. As the
average commission earned by sites running AdSense generated advertising is approximately $20/month, webmasters working this type of scheme need to create hundreds, if not thousands of pages to make a living. In order to create those pages and attract ad-clicking visitors, content must be created, begged, borrowed, or most commonly, simply stolen.Known as Splogs (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splog), these sites only exist to game Google in one way or another, mostly for money but also for increased search rankings or as a means of manipulating search spiders."
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