
Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Dollars and Sense of Building to Standards

Digital Web Magazine

Alan K'necht's of K'nechtology Inc. article aims to set "the record straight" by preempting clients (external and/or internal) who ask, “How much is this standards thing going to cost me?” and “What’s in it for me?” when you start to talk about standards."

He reckons:
People simply don’t recognize how much it’s costing them not to code to standards. For too long, people have accepted poor HTML code and assumed there was nothing that could be done to improve it

If everyone was trained and followed the standards, how much easier and faster would it be for you to fix a Web page that you didn’t write or to indoctrinate a new employee? This equates to big savings.

Concludes: Ultimately, the push for standards-compliant code should come from the coding ranks. We need to enlighten all levels of management to the savings they can achieve by embracing Web standards. If the people on the front lines don’t take on the job of promoting standards to management and management learns of these savings first, you’ll be faced with a tougher challenge—why didn’t you know to use and push for standards-compliant code?

For more ammunition in the fight for Web standards and some cool coding tips, visit the Web Standards Project. These people are fighting on behalf of all of us to achieve standards compliance in all browsers and Web development tools.

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