
Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Ability to post and read online ratings is the most revolutionary online communication

MediaPost : "THOSE OF US WHO LIVE by and are addicted to our e-mail and IM need little discussion of the power of the Internet as a communications medium. But among the most revolutionary, and perhaps least understood aspects of online communication, is found on almost any site where two or more are gathered: the ability to post and read online ratings, messages, opinion, and commentary...

Igougo.com - a destination that has over 300,000 visitors who post on their travel experiences -- has been around a few years and wrestled reputation systems pretty powerfully. They marry voting ("rate this review") with a thorough, but anonymous, profile of each contributor - their background, expertise, interests, experiences - so I have some sense of not only how others view their postings, but if that person has the experience relevant not only to a given country, but to MY needs in that country.

Who we are, what we have done, what people think of us. There are thousands of opinions out there that could matter to me. But they are not all equal. Reputation is the key to finding what matters. "

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