
Monday, March 27, 2006

For Seo Pros: What Cart Do You Prefer? -> High Rankings� Search Engine Optimization Forum

For Seo Pros: What Cart Do You Prefer? -> High Rankings� Search Engine Optimization Forum: calebw posts"SEO for shopping carts, or any other sites, is much more about building a holistic site that ranks well.
......found the be the key things a good online store needs. Incidentally, I've yet to find an off-the-shelf solution that has all of these features built in and ready to use. The closest one is ZenCart, but it still has some issues that will require custom programming to get around"


SEO Shopping Cart Reviews

SEO Shopping Cart Reviews:...but not zencart...


Affiliate marketers clickkbank help

You know how hard it is to search and find specific affiliate programs on clickbank, this site lists all new addititions daily...Net Entrepreneur Scores Own Goal with Competition: "David Thomas, a web publisher based in Cardiff, UK, has just launched the world's first free service that offers people the information they need to market new products sold through payment processor ClickBank. Each report includes information vital to the success of marketing campaigns. The information is produced automatically by analysing data from the ClickBank website, and can be seen in a daily post on his website http://www.theaffiliatemarketer.net in the ClickBank News category."


Using the Power of Many to Fight Spam

Steve Rubel posts about new anti spam site: Micro Persuasion: Using the Power of Many to Fight Spam: "Blue Frog is adding a new twist to the war on spam by aggregating users into a community of passive aggressive activists. They aggregate complaints from their users and then, working as their advocate, post complaints on the sites of the spam advertisers. Additionally, they send reports to ISPs, domain registrars and law enforcement agencies."


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Slashdot | Tim Berners-Lee on the Web

Isn't it semantic? British Computer Society interview with Tim Berners-Lee: Berners-Lee says he got domain names backwards in web addresses, criticizes software patents, US and ICANN control of the Internet & suggests browser security changes.

What would Berners-Lee do differently?

He replies"I would have skipped on the double slash - there's no need for it. Also I would have put the domain name in the reverse order - in order of size."

He states that "The Google algorithm was a significant development."

Asked: "How does the ICANN ownership issue affect the Web?" He answers "The Domain Name Server (DNS) is the Achilles heel of the Web."

Most interesting to me is the following on semantics: "Ian Horrocks spoke to the BCS on ontologies, the application of which would clearly see a true Semantic Web, but how can we apply these principles to the billions of existing Web pages?

Don't. Web pages are designed for people. For the Semantic Web we need to look at existing databases and the data in them.

To make this information useful semantically requires a sequence of events:

1. Do a model of what's in the database - which would give you an ontology you could work out on the back of an envelope;
2. Find out who else uses those terms and cherry pick them for your ontology;
3. Write a schema (perhaps with OWL (the Web ontology language);
4. Write down how your database connects to those things.

Using this information you can set up a Web server that runs resource description framework (RDF). A larger database could support queries.

To make all this really useful it's important that products have URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) - for example, products@RDF#hairdryers - so invoices, shipping notes, product specifications and so on can use it.

These would all be virtual RDF files - the server would generate them on the fly and it would all be available on the Semantic Web. Then an individual could compare products directly by their specifications, weight and delivery charges, price and so on, in a way that HTML won't allow."

Brian Eno gave a speech a few years ago on generative music - he said that he likes the economy of it, that just from a few simple rules complex and fascinating things can arise. How good an analogy for the rise of the Web from a relatively simple approach - hypertext and links - is this?

This is where Web engineering, physics, Web science and philosophical engineering meet. Physics was actually called experimental philosophy at Oxford.

The Web is now philosophical engineering. Physics and the Web are both about the relationship between the small and the large....So we could say we want the Web to reflect a vision of the world where everything is done democratically, where we have an informed electorate and accountable officials. To do that we get computers to talk with each other in such a way as to promote that ideal....

Berners-Lee concludes: "Web development is at a multi-way crossroads. There are a huge number of developments that are potentially world changing and there's a lot of excitement.... Going back to the idea of anything I would change, I remember Dan Connolly - who really understood SGML - asking me if HTML was SGML. I really wanted the SGML people on board so I said yes.

I should have said no - and we would have developed XML a lot sooner. This all happened at the beginning of the Web, in a pub in Edinburgh. This May there'll be discussions in pubs in Edinburgh again, where we can talk about what we’ll need to change now - it'll be a blast."

Vaguely interesting Slashdot discussion re above British Computer Society interview with Tim Berners-Lee though it focuses on domain names to the detriment of semantic web etc...Slashdot | Tim Berners-Lee on the Web: "Tim Berners-Lee on the Web "


Friday, March 24, 2006

Googlespawn - Forbes.com

Googlespawn - Forbes.com: "Silicon Valley is abuzz again with firms such as Kaboodle, Kosmix, Become.com, Wink, Digg and Browster. These goofily named Web newbies are being nourished by Google, often compete with Google ...

.."Google created a marketplace that allows new sites like us to get started," says Michael Tanne, founder of the Web search service Wink. He doesn't have to pay salesmen and instead can use the cash to improve his search technology.

"The motto of the bubble was get big fast. The rule today is get big cheap," says David Cowan of Bessemer Ventures

If the last bubble taught Valley denizens anything, it may be the wisdom to take the money and run--even if it's only a million or so. Slaving it out for the big bucks is very 20th century. "


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

How big business barged in on the bloggers

V V interesting factoid at the end of this article MediaGuardian.co.uk | Media | How big business barged in on the bloggers: "as a workplace blogger, Scoble can count himself lucky: the Metropolitan police were banned from 'expressing views and opinions damaging to the organisation.' As police blogger Bow Street Runner writes: 'These blogs reveal what actually goes on behind the glossy, PR-friendly corporate image put across by most forces, and threatens to actually inform the public as to what police officers do.'

A study by the Project for Excellence in Journalism showed that on any given day, posts involving a blogger interviewing someone else accounted for only 1% of the blogosphere. Only 5% involved some other original work."

So what is the other 94%?


Bill Gates predicts the future...of advertising

Independent Online Edition > Media: "When Gates visited London last October, he gave an address to the inaugural conference of the Interactive Advertising Bureau and made the claim that 'the future of advertising is the internet'. The claim coincided with the IAB's prediction that online advertising was worth �1bn a year in the UK and had outstripped the markets for both radio and billboards.
Gates thinks that the increasing availability of high-quality visual imagery will further the growth of online advertising and that the internet will increasingly provide the best platform for some of the most ambitious and targeted creative ad work. 'You want to grab somebody's attention and great visuals are the way that's done,' he says"


The tangled Web of Social network sites - a challenge to capitalism?

Big biz is so, so hungry to find a way to cash in on the rising stars of the internet, social networks like myspace that articles like this one fail to recognise the internal contradictions within their exhortations to find a way to profit from them. This article advises big biz to find ways to "use" such communities while avoiding exploitation... but surely "use" and "exploit" have the same meaning?

The Hollywood Reporter's Entertainment Industry Columns - Entertainment Industry Articles - Entertainment Business Columns and Articles: "Forrester points to studies indicating that today's more socially connected buyers are less brand-loyal, less trusting and more independent. The only businesses that can succeed in this new social computing environment are the ones that can adapt to the new rules: Innovation is shifting from the top down to the bottom up, value is shifting from ownership to experience, and power is shifting from institutions to communities....

Forrester advises that media companies and marketers will need to become part of the online communities they play to, learn to discreetly use peer relations, avoid exploitation and corporate heavy-handedness, create custom applications, and incorporating existing collaboration tools and technology. Doing that is why Apple's iTunes claims 600 million downloads, 10 million accounts and $400 million in revenue in just two years."

Can a new economic model arise from within the new online communities to challenge the capitalist hegemony? I would love to live to see it.....

The final paragraph really makes me laugh with it's assumption that traditional media are invaluable in their role of educators of the great unwashed general public who would be total ignoramuses without their benevolent guidance....LOL

"What are the implications of creating a world in which consumers are privy only to the customized information, content and services they want, instead of what they need? It is the critical difference between flipping through a newspaper or scanning television newscasts and happening on stories that broaden and sensitize consumers to information they need for their own well-being. That well-rounded, spontaneous knowledge isn't likely from social networks, the reliance on which is sure to create an intellectual vacuum of sorts"

Since when did capitalist society provide according to need?


Saturday, March 18, 2006

Washington Post bloggers paid extra, sometimes - MarketWatch

Will this be a test case re whether blogging is mandatory for Post reporters for no extra pay...?

Washington Post bloggers paid extra, sometimes - MarketWatch: "Editors at the Washington Post are wrestling with discontent from reporters who think they should be paid extra for contributing to a group Web log. The Washington City Paper reported staffers on the Post's metro section asked for extra money after learning some prominent byliners were being paid for Web logs while they would not be."

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