
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

How Not to Select a Corporate Blogger

suggests (with Suw Charman's help) that companies look for someone passionate, friendly, genuine, interesting, authentic, honest and open with the charisma to connect in the blogosphere. That last skill is hard to find right now.
Richard Edelman - 6 A.M.: His Master's Voice--How Not to Select a Corporate Blogger: "His Master's Voice....suggests (with Suw Charman's help) that companies look for someone passionate, friendly, genuine, interesting, authentic, honest and open with the charisma to connect in the blogosphere...

"I had breakfast in London today with Suw Charmin, a leading blogger in the UK market. We had a very animated discussion about corporate blogging, in particular on who might be the best person to be the lead blogger in a corporation. It may well not be the chief executive officer (present company excepted) and likely not the chief marketing officer (for reasons to be explained shortly). It is more likely a person in the research and development unit or an engineer in the technology or design areas. Whatever job classification, the person or people must be in Suw's words, "passionate, friendly, genuine, interesting, authentic, honest, open."

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