
Sunday, January 15, 2006

Transport Direct fiasco

Waste of a nation >> .:thebusinessonline.com:.: "Transport Direct, the �50m public transport journey planner that came out two years behind schedule, and which recommended, among other things, that travellers should wait at station platforms for six hours rather than taking a 40 minute bus ride. In some cases it suggested that you should forget public transport and take the car....

more than £1.5bn has been spent on e-Government websites that do not resolve customer queries, according to research published by software company Transversal. The study shows that 60% of government websites are inefficient at resolving customer queries and 75% of customer-related management projects fail to deliver any measurable return on investment.

One government website – www.ukworldheritage.org.uk – received only 77 hits last year. The total cost of running this and just 10 other linked sites ran to £43m and there are now more than 2,500 government websites."


Thursday, January 05, 2006

U.K. cities to get blanket Wi-Fi coverage | CNET News.com

U.K. cities to get blanket Wi-Fi coverage | CNET News.com: "The United Kingdom has unveiled plans for citywide Wi-Fi networks that will give residents in nine cities high-speed wireless Internet access from laptops, PDAs and mobile phones.

The first phase of the project, due to be completed by March 2006, will see citywide Wi-Fi hot spots rolled out in Birmingham, Cambridge, Edinburgh, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham and Oxford, along with the London boroughs of Kensington and Chelsea, Camden and Islington....

The initiative has been backed by Derek Wyatt, head of the U.K.'s All Party Internet Group.
"Such a large-scale project is an exciting prospect for communications in the U.K., allowing people to send e-mails, make cheap phone calls, surf the Internet, do business and even play games online, wherever they are," Wyatt said. "

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