Even Bill Gates Does It - the art of delegation
Even Bill Gates Does It - Forbes.com: "Letting managers manage might be as critical to a company's success as having great products or a slick sales squad. As brilliant and revolutionary as Bill Gates and Michael Dell are, they still have to rely on capable operators like Steve Ballmer and Kevin Rollins to keep Microsoft (nasdaq: MSFT - news - people ) and Dell (nasdaq: DELL - news - people ) firing on all circuits. Delegating also gives the next generation of managers a chance to hone their skills in the trenches.Problem is, offloading even a sliver of responsibility is surprisingly hard to do, especially for entrepreneurs-cum-managers. 'It is a surrender of control,' says John Baldoni, head of Baldoni Consulting and author of Great Motivation Secrets of Great Leaders. 'If you want to work 160 hours a week, don't delegate. But you are going to crash and burn.'..
The best delegators, says Baldoni, are explicit when laying down new mandates but know enough to get the hell out of the way and let people figure out how to meet goals and solve problems themselves. "It's an affirmation of human dignity," he says."
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