
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Google's Financial Times Dilemma Hidden Links Raise Eyebrows

webpronews.com: "Ken McGaffin, an online marketer and link builder, broke the story last Friday. He used the 'select all' feature on the Financial Times website and discovered links to Moneysupermarket.com-138 of them, all presented in white to match the background. McGaffin appears to have found the links by accident while doing a competitive link analysis for a client. To find the links on such a reputable site, he says, was suprising....

This is a really dirty trick and many are surprised because of the size of the entities involved. Selling links is a method that many people frown upon, but selling a 138 of them and then burying them in an attempt to spam search engines has even "gray hatters" doing spit-takes.

FT.com didn't take long to grab a towel to wipe off the egg dripping down its nose. As of Monday, FT.com has removed the hidden links and provided one very visible link. According to McGaffin, FT.com said they didn't know how this happened...."

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