Seven Tips for Blogging Your Way to a New Job Debbie Weil outlines "seven rules for effective blogging."1. Start with a topic you're passionate about
2. Concentrate on shorter, more frequent entries in your blog
3. Let your authentic voice emerge
4. Use correct grammar and syntax (no misspellings allowed)
5. Purposefully organize the content of your blog
6. Post a new entry at least once a week, preferably two or three times a week
7. Include your key contact information on your blog
8. A bonus tip (Conclusion possibly sums up Weil's aim?)
"Have fun when you blog. You may find that blogging is truly a creative outlet. Over time, you might find yourself teasing clarity out of a complex topic or delving into subjects you didn't know you were so interested in.
Keep chipping away with each blog entry. Who knows? Your blog might turn into a book!"
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