Blog reader survey :: high % are "opinion makers"
Blogads"opinion makers" are the 10% who influence the other 90%
Definition of blogging that really appeals to me: "the blogosphere is all about biases and conversations and boot-strapping and not waiting for some authority-- a newspaper editor or university dean or foundation officer or venture capitalist or government agent -- to tell you something but figuring it out yourself, and, finally, about sharing fragments of imperfect data with peers to arrive at some useful collective knowledge."
2005 BlogAds blog reader survey summary
75% over 30
75% male
43% income over $90K
71% have signed a petition
66% have contacted a politician
50% rank blogs tops in usefulness for news and opinion
Andy Wibbels concludes:
"Still skeptical about blogs? This is how you reach educated, affluent, active and online-savvy folks. Ya know, the kind of folks that buy stuff online!"
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