SiliconBeat: Snap: the future of transparency?
Alerted to this article by SEM 2.0. Bill Gross, the founder of a new search property, Snap, publishes daily stats and financial details on the home page. Silicon Beat highlights the following:
- They've served 2.6 million searches since they first launched.
- They made $55.88 yesterday.
- They have 1,235 advertisers.
- And they had 624 clicks on ads yesterday that generated revenue."
Despite the figures like $55.88 Bill Gross is quoted as saying "It's kind of scary to put that data out there,' he added. "But it's liberating at the same time. I think it's good in the long-term. I think it will be a trend. In every aspect, it's better to be open.''
Would this kind of transparency prevent another "Enron"?
More charts and stats like the home page referrals charts would make comparisons for PPC etc a doddle....
Referrer Visitors 47,041 Cost $5,738
Referrer Visitors 41,670 Cost $0
Click through from the bottom of the referrers list for full Snap BETA traffic figures
Snap Stats a few of the details available are:
Executive Summary
Snap Financials
Way to go?
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