Yahoo! News - The Business Of Blogging
Yahoo! NewsTime to start a blogging blog perhaps? News, articles and posts about blogging are increasing daily:
"Just a year ago, blogs were viewed as a collection of off-the-cuff ramblings in cyberspace read mainly by online devotees... A new medium, though still a work in progress, is coming into being...
Now advertisers are realizing there is a market emerging in the blogosphere. Already, the growth in regular online advertising, estimated to be about 35% this year, will far outpace the spending increases for any other sector of the media world. Add to all this the fact that about 11% of Internet users today are inveterate blog readers, and the blogging scene starts to get mighty compelling for marketers."
Key points:
An estimated 4.8 million blogs now exist in cyberspace, up from just 100,000 two years ago, according to blog search engine Technorati
Depending on the approach, bloggers can earn anywhere from a pittance to more than $10,000 a month
Google's AdSense: Individual bloggers sign up, ads are delivered to their sites, and they get a share of revenue based on click-through rates.
Companies are constructing similar models to entice bloggers to come on board (PLM see legal example)
Article asks "can marketers, looking to push products online, and bloggers, treasuring their independent voices, co-exist?"
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