
Saturday, December 18, 2004

Is eBay buying in at the top of the housing bubble?

Bambi Francisco, CBS.MarketWatch.com

"EBay buys Rent.com" BF reckons this is based on "thesis that rental activity will pick up in 2005" and follows Ebays "acquisition of Rent follows eBay's purchase of a 25 percent stake in Craigslist, a popular classified Web site. See prior Net stocks. Unlike Rent.com, Craigslist's list of rental properties can be advertised for free.

"It's too early to say how this is all is going to work together, we believe they serve two different types of apartment listers," said Hani Durzy, an eBay spokesperson. Rent.com targets large property owners whereas Craigslist targets landlords with one or two units to rent. Additionally, Rent.com charges a transaction fee based on successful listings whereas Craigslist is free"

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