Internet Daily: Forrester researcher sees major opportunity in blogging - Internet Services -
Internet Daily: Forrester researcher sees major opportunity in blogging : "Charlotte Li is a market researcher who practices what she preaches. The principal analyst at Forrester issued a report Monday recommending businesses publish Weblogs, as she does.Describes the main features of bloging as:
1) It's a give-and-take conversation, much more so than e-mail marketing. You're saying something relevant to the audience and asking for feedback.
2) It is a real commitment. You have to maintain it. It can become very ravenous.
3)...hope that it would help our clients, attract new clients, and exert a greater influence in the marketplace.
4) Blogs are the exhaust stream of somebody's attention. If you can tap into what people are paying attention to, you should have a pretty good idea where you as a company or organization should be going.
There are two kinds of investment opportunities in blogging : One is selling the service and the software -- for example, what Six Apart Inc. is doing with Typepad and Movable Type. The other model is advertising.
She concludes that: " I think that blogging is going to take off, partly because more and more people are interested. But more than anything else, it is going to get a lot easier to read blogs thru RSS technology. These are feeds put together to push a blog's content to a person's desktop"
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