
Saturday, August 13, 2005

Internet Daily: Blog readers young and well off, study says

Internet Daily: " New research suggests advertisers may ignore Web logs at their own peril. ComScore Media Metrix researched readership among its study panel of consumers and reported 1 out of 6 Americans read a blog in the first quarter of the year...

Politics/News sites account for 43 percent of blog readers, ComScore reported, followed by "Hipster" (17%), Tech (15%),Women (8%), Media (8%), Personal (6%), and Business (3%).

In Denton's analysis, he noted that sites with "reader engagement" have a higher frequency of visits and faster growth rates. He conceded his company's tech/gadget blog was quickly overtaken by WeblogsInc.'s competitor, which allows reader feedback. "I might have to rethink my rather snobby aversion to comments," he wrote."

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