
Monday, January 10, 2005

Niklas Zennstrom : A maverick voice on the line


Niklas Zennstrom of Kaazaa infamy is now promoting a "free phone calls service, Skype, (which) is terrifying traditional phone companies by offering anybody with a decent computer and a broadband connection the chance to make free calls via the internet to other users of the service.

Zennstrom "insists that by building a huge user base, Skype can make profits, even with tiny bills per customer, because it has no network costs and all its marketing is done by word of mouth. For his next trick he's planning a service that works over mobiles. "

A role model for his " iconoclastic behaviour (which) sounds rather fun" The interviewer asks if "his main motivation to make the life of corporate giants a misery? "No,'' insists Zennstrom . "I don't care about other people's businesses. But it's fun to make an impact and drive the change process – and it's very good for evolution."

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